2014 was nothing short of a whirlwind year! For Malaysia as a whole, it definitely did feel as though there were more downs than ups – with a literal whirlwind to boot.

The way the year panned out, what with aviation tragedies one after another, and east coast floods of biblical proportions, it should give us the impetus to take grab 2015 by the scruff and make the most of it.

But before we readily forego the drama that was 2014, we mustn’t forget to acknowledge the awesomeness it did bring us.

As for branding and advertising in Malaysia, 2014 was full of surprises. And like anything else in the world, there are lessons we can take from it.

So let us take you through the Top 5 Malaysian ads of 2014 that have impacted us in more ways than one:

Malay Mail’s ‘Are Malaysians Racist?’

If we could take one thing from this ad to carry with us into 2015, it would be to always stand up for what’s right. The exemplary attitudes showcased in this social experiment left a deep impression on every Malaysian, reminding us why we love our country and our people so much. Being good is reward in itself.

DiGi/Maxis – ‘We Are Family’

It’s always a little awkward telling your family you love them. It’s even a little more awkward when your competitors admit to the same kind of love. Last year’s coincidence between the merdeka ads by DiGi and Maxis reminded us to always put family first, and most importantly, that familial ties do not end at blood relation.

Carlist.MY – ‘Cari Kereta Anda’

When road bully turned celebrity started popping up on local ads, the nation was appalled. To be frank, it was downright uncool (most PC word I could muster) to glorify a villain in that manner. But in retrospect, it does remind us to always look on the brighter side of things and to remain light hearted in times of difficulty.

Wonda – ‘5D Advertising’

Prior to their debut, Malaysians had never heard of Wonda, but once they rolled out their campaign, it was impossible to miss. Hailed as Malaysia’s first 5D Advertising, the campaign aimed to engage all the senses of their target audience. Wonda’s expansive and extensive campaign reminds us to always push the envelope in everything we do.

Maxis – ‘Man vs Network’

This very recent ad about Internet speed puts a man’s life on the line to prove their claim. This is ad is gutsy, it’s adventurous and it’s exciting. It keeps us on the edge of our seats while at the same time proving its worth. If anything, this ad reminds us to always live life to the fullest, because hey, YOLO.

Be good, family comes first, remain light hearted, push the envelope and live life to the fullest. Who ever said advertising couldn’t be didactic?

2015 is upon us, and it is ours for the taking. So as we traverse into new and exciting territories, let us keep the lessons we’ve learnt from our previous years handy and ready to be applied.

From all of us at The Bullet, we wish you a happy and exciting new year.

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